NELUNS: New Generation Financial Ecosystem

This is an innovative financial ecosystem, which contains a bank that works with fiats and cryptocurrency, a cryptocurrency exchange, and an insurance organization that is making conditions for the subjective development of the cryptomarket, an inflow of new members, and capital. Neluns objective is to consolidate the cryptocurrency market with the financial one. Additionally, Neluns will brake down all barriers and to take care of some of enormous issues which are available now and keep the connection of human with cryptocurrency world. Neluns is accompanying a solution of current issues, bringing innovative thought and technologies.



Neluns Bank is a first component of neluns financial ecosystem, it is an authorized commercial bank that is under regulatory authority . Neluns Bank is controlled by blockchain technology which works with fiat cash and cryptocurrency, gives every single customary support of its users like withdrawal, stores, visa cards and masterdebit cards. Neluns is giving ios and android applications to assist its users, with that users can do peer to peer loaning process.


Neluns trade will turn into a global cryptocurrency exchange which is associated with neluns Bank to encourage withdrawal, savings and High speed transactions. It give bank ensure, assurance from hackers to its rapid transactions and simple withdrawal. With neluns exchange users resources will be secured and in a twinkling of an eye users will get withdrawals, to payment transfer with different exchanges it will take 0.01% commission charge.


Neluns financial ecosystem is given neluns insurance on request of cryptocurrency trade users and the bank of neluns. Neluns insurance organization is secured by some insurance risks, for example, credit and debit risks, financial assurances and risks from investment. Neluns insurance has two sections which is full insurance and partial insurance.


It will interest you to know that Neluns accept ETH and BTC on the locked price 429$/1ETH , 10.000$/1BTC + extra-bonus 25% on investment more than 10 ETH.
The project already raised more than 55 million dollars investments.
NLS token will be listed on the biggest exchanges this October,so watch out guys.
Also,payment of the first dividends to the tokenholders NLS in January 2019

The NLS token is a security token, profits of the Neluns ecosystem are quarterly dispersed to NLS token holders in proportion to the amount of tokens held. NLS token holders will get profits of 50%.


1: Token holders will get extra bonuses and rebates when utilizing the platform.

2: 50% profit of Neluns ecosystem disseminated quarterly to token holders in view of the amount of tokens they hold.

3: The cost of NLS tokens will develop close by the development of the Neluns ecosystem capitalization, which will enable token holders to get extra benefits.

4: The cost of one NLS token will reach $1,200 by 2021. In April 2020, the Neluns Blockchain Ecosystem intends to hold an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange.

5::Tokens are discharged just amid the ICO, extra token emissions are not planned.

6: Basic conversions at engaging rates and NLS token liquidity will be well guaranteed when listed on huge cryptocurrency exchanges


During the ICO, 200 000 000 NLS tokens will be released
Base price of 1 NLS token = 1 USD
Token name : NLS
Platform : Ethereum
Standard : ERC-20
Token amount : 200 000 000 NLS
Hard Cap : 112 000 000 USD

To know more about NELUNS click the links below:

Written By: Nurfi


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