CyberFM & Mainstream For The Underground (MFTU)

Internet radio also known as web radio, net radio, streaming radio or e-radio is an audio broadcasting service that is transmitted over the internet. Broadcasting conducted over the internet is referred to as webcasting because it is not transmitted widely through wireless means.

Internet radio has a streaming media that can provide continuous audio channels and no broadcasting operational controls like traditional broadcast media in general. Many Internet radio stations are associated with a traditional radio station (not an internet radio station), but for Internet radio whose network only uses the internet and is not associated with traditional radio, the radio station is independent and not incorporated in any broadcasting company.

Internet radio services can be accessed from any part of the world, for example, people can listen to Indonesian radio stations from Europe or America. However, there are also networks like Clear Channel in the US and Chrysalis in the UK that limit their own domestic broadcasting due to licensing issues of certain types of music and advertisements.

Internet radio is quite popular for expatriates and other listeners because of the many interests and needs that are often not good enough provided by local radio stations (such as alternative music, entertainment and other info that is not accessible on local radio). Like most radio, internet radio also has programming services contained in traditional radio

But here something is different with Cyber-FM Radio providing listeners access to music that is not normally available in "Mainstream."

Founded on October 11, 2007, we have built our reputation in the Music Industry by providing our Audience with Artists depicting unparalleled talent on a regular basis not available until now.

Cyber-FM Radio is clearer sound quality than any radio and now listen to Cyber-FM does not cost anything and this is a hope for us as music lovers let alone available with mainstream artists, when else we enjoy the music we want only is on Radio Cyber - FM.

ARE YOU MFTU (Mainstream For The Underground)?

The New MFTU System will take you to CyberFM Radio fans who follow us on Social Media! In addition, our system tells YOUR fans every time your song airs in the air! Our own social media offers you unlimited reach!

Over the past 10 years, being a MFTU Artist has always gotten rotation and airtime across the Cyber-FM Network plus all its partner channels. You get immediate exposure to an online radio audience. Absolutely FREE!

Everyone knows the original CyberFM Motto: "We are not Radio Online, we are Radio, online!" Our new algorithm plays your music in the same genre as mainstream artists that fans already know! The playground is flattened.


ETH: 0x683c5B0d35e28D3e4938c815C8f476D7d38e5B2a


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